The Coven collection is forged from the mantra of finding strength in being different. It’s about self-reverence and rebellion against societal norms.
Historically, women were persecuted for going against the grain or breaking free from a way of life that was dictated to them for centuries prior. Because of this, they were branded witches. By naming our new collection Coven, we are drawing a link to this important past and celebrating the unique, the rebels, the pioneers of alternative; the witches of the modern day.
We see Coven and each one of its 13 pieces as a way to honour the inconsequential. Laud the little. Make the insignificant momentous. Mark milestones, whether miniscule or mighty, with a symbolic piece of fine jewellery. A way of reconstructing and disrupting the traditional custom of gift giving by commemorating moments or achievements that might normally slip by without recognition.
Coven was born from the belief that every life event which holds sentimental meaning is deserving of a worthy accolade - a totem of strength, a token of nonconformity.